Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0224Subject Initials :JXLDOB :11/11/1985Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:158cmWeight:52.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/01/2015225
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS patients, improved canceled after embryo transfer.
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
HSG: bilateral tubal occlusion in the left effusionUk-Unk-2014Not on treatment/medication
Laparoscopic pelvic adhesions dissection and bilateral tubal fluid plastic ostomy, hysteroscopic resection of endometrial polyps palaceUk-Unk-2014Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0226Subject Initials :BQXDOB :07/10/1987Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:160cmWeight:53.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/01/2015187.5
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS occurs canceled embryo transfer, OHSS improvement
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
Laparoscopic surgery classification pelvic adhesions, tubal fluid prostheticsUk-Unk-2010Not on treatment/medication
Laparoscopic surgery classification pelvic adhesions, tubal fluid prostheticsUk-Unk-2011Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0227Subject Initials :YXZDOB :12/09/1985Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:164cmWeight:56.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/01/2015187.5
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS patients, improved canceled after embryo transfer.
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
Abdominal ectopic pregnancy conservative surgery.Uk-Unk-2012Not on treatment/medication
Ectopic pregnancy laparoscopic conservative surgery.Uk-Unk-2013Not on treatment/medication
HSG: incomplete right fallopian tube obstruction, left fallopian tube fluid. Uk-Unk-2014Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0228Subject Initials :J-XDOB :09/12/1981Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:160cmWeight:51.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/02/2015225
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS occurs canceled embryo transfer, OHSS improvement
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
HSG: right fallopian tube obstruction. Uk-Unk-2013Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0229Subject Initials :HYTDOB :11/13/1992Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:153cmWeight:45.5kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/02/2015150
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS patients, improved canceled after embryo transfer.
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
HSG: bilateral tubal occlusion Uk-Unk-2013Not on treatment/medication
Laparoscopic surgery: pelvic adhesions dissection, tubal plasty, uterine fibroids dug surgery, uterine suspension surgery.Uk-Unk-2013Not on treatment/medication
Hysteroscopy normalUk-Unk-2015Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0230Subject Initials :F-XDOB :07/08/1987Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:156cmWeight:51.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/02/2015150
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS occurs canceled embryo transfer, OHSS improvement
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
Caesarean sectionUk-Unk-2009Not on treatment/medication
HSG: bilateral tubal occlusion Uk-Mar-2015Not on treatment/medication
Hysteroscopy normal Uk-Unk-2015Not on treatment/medication

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Non Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Report

Start Date:2016-04-12 End Date:2016-04-13
Study :EMR700623-541Investigator :NACountry of Investigator :ChinaSiteNo:C02
Subject No :C02-0231Subject Initials :LJSDOB :08/28/1981Sex:FemaleRace:AsianHeight:160cmWeight:69.0kg
First administration date of batch :Batch number :
Study DrugStart DateDoseChange in Dose
Gonal-f New Pen Stimulation Treatment09/02/2015300
Adverse EventStart DateEnd DateTime related to study treatmentCausality to study drugSeverity
Causality FactorsAction Taken with Study TreatmentOther action takenOutcomeAE Special InterestAE dose limiting toxicity
None(Othervalue:)Not applicableLed to study terminationResolved
Event description:Moderate OHSS patients, improved canceled after embryo transfer.
Subject received concomitant medications:
Does the subject have any relevant past or present medical conditions:Yes
ConditionStart DateRelated to study conditionOngoing
HSG: the left fallopian tube passableUk-Unk-2013Not on treatment/medication
Palace laparoscopyUk-Unk-2014Not on treatment/medication

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